Below is a listing of all active breeders in North America, presented chronologically by their first foaling year.
In our mission to preserve and promote the Fell Pony on this continent, we endeavor to provide accurate and transparent data regarding the Fell Pony breed and its history, a goal which is becoming more critical as the years roll by after those first foals born here over twenty years ago. By that standard, we are delighted to provide information on all current North American breeders, including: the date of their first & last foaling year, and total foals registered as of 2022. Our fidelity to educated breed stewardship begins here, building the foundation for educated growth for all Fell Pony enthusiasts.
Data presented here is obtained from and copyright the Fell Pony Society, Grassroots Online, and FPSNA, and is current through end of 2022. The Fell Pony Society (FPS UK) does not consider a Fell Pony owner a breeder unless they have owned a mare at time of foaling. FPSNA reporting defines an active breeder as a prefixed mare owner with at least three foals registered over the last three foaling seasons, born at their farm or facility. Those nearer the top of the list have been breeding the longest here in North America.