We are grateful for the FPSNA breeders listed here who choose to support the Fell Pony breed, and our non-profit FPS Overseas Branch.
Fell Pony foals born in North America are registered in the Overseas Section of the Fell Pony Society (FPS) Studbook in the UK. The FPS defines the breeder as the mare owner of record (or lessee) at the time of foaling. Reputable breeders will register their foals within their year of birth, as the FPS does consider this the responsibility of the breeder. Microchipping is required to register all foals, and DNA typing with parentage verification is also required if the foal was bred via artificial insemination, in addition to the appropriate FPS forms for AI and the specialized stallion license for AI breeding. DNA typing is also required for foals not registered in the year of their birth (which then is considered a late registration).
The registered name of each pony most often includes a “prefix”; chosen by the breeder for their farm, herd or location where their foals are born. Thus, it may be easy to tell where a pony originated because of the prefix that its name may bear. Each prefix is registered through FPS with the Central Prefix Register in the UK, and the prefix may only be used by the person or person to whom it is registered.
Our breeders are shown in alphabetical order of prefix(s).
Dream Hayven FarmCumberland and DreamHayven prefixes Contact: Melissa R. Kreuzer | Dakota FellContact: Richard Kruthoff & Lori Welbig |
Dragonfly Acres Dragonflyacres Prefix Contact: Lisa MacBurney 2370 224th St Langley, British Columbia V2Z 2Z3 Website: www.dragonflyacres.ca Email: lisa.dragonflyacres@gmail.com | Desiderata Farm Desiderata Prefix Contact: Cherie and John Hansen 102 Oak Grove Rd Madisonville, TN 37354 Email: hansencps@gmail.com |
Feathered Foothill Farm Featheredfoothill prefix Contact: Jane Snar Springfield, Oregon Website: www.FeatheredFoothill.com Email: featheredfoothill@gmail.com | Fiddlehead Pony FarmContact: Kimberly Dunn 541-915-8665 Website: www.fiddleheadpony.com |
Moonlit Fell Pony FarmContact: Elise Miller | Rural Hill FarmsContact: Pamela Schuck & Aaron Howard 189 State Route 133 Felicity, OH 45120 Email: pamelabschuck@icloud.com |
SouthMoore FarmsContact: Kimberly Brink | Starlit Ridge Farm Contact: Pam Clapp & Ashton Kirkeide Rio Verde Foothills, AZ 85262 Website: www.starlitridge.com Email: info@starlitridge.com |
Willowtrail FarmContact: Jenifer Morrissey |